Unimedia Composers

Unimedia composers create digital compositions on the web that employ the widest possible range of media. In order to move unimedia to new levels of quality, composers of this genre are encouraged to share their thinking and their work.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Critical View of Unimedia Capacity

There are many perspectives from which to offer positive criticism of unimedia or multimedia. One of those perspectives is that of capacity. Capacity or multimedia capacity is used here to mean the effective use of the combined features of many media.

What is the web address of your multimedia project? How many types of media did you use? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your multimedia project for including the best of different kinds of media?


  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Sabrina said…

    My web address is http://paws.wcu.edu/sh15056

    The types of media that I have used on my web site consists of the following:
    1. Text
    2. Still Images
    3. Audio
    4 Video
    5. Bryce 3-D*
    6. Web Cams
    *I am in the process of getting my Bryce uploaded onto the site.

    One strength that I see in my web page is the fact that the main unit posted on my web site is the Civil War. I feel like I have used the different things that we have learned and talked about in class on this site. It has really been cool the different types of media and how well they have fit in with my topic for the project.
    Another strength is the fact that it is organized and it is user friendly. I do believe that this is a site that will be informative and helpful to students and to parents.

    One weakness that I have found with this is the fact that I have learned so many neat things to use and do on my web page, but yet, never enough time to complete it the way that I would like to. I feel lucky to be given the opportunity to learn so many cool things, I just wish that we would have had more time to spend on working with them in class together.


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